Daff Tee

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Sat Feb 12, 2022 4:17 pm

Back home and on my sofa flopped
The one that floats o'er vales and hills
I flash 'neath finger, captured, cropped
A host of burning daffodils

We stretch in never ending line
Our quarried lakes, our bulb hung trees
As glorious as the stars that shine
And fleeting as an astral breeze
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Sat Feb 12, 2022 9:51 pm

Delightfully playful Jules. The title was a definite smile. Flopping on a sofa and musing time away...

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Sun Feb 13, 2022 10:08 am

Quick question Jules. I’m assuming you are on your sofa scrolling down a social media account and glimpse the daffodils, is this right? If so, it all works for me and really like the final line. Or maybe the burning daffs are in a photo you’ve taken and cropped and pasted into an album?

Which ever way, it’s a nice update of the Wordsworth classic. I suspect JJ would have love it if he were around.



PS, Phil got the title, but I’ve got to admit it’s flummoxed me. Googled it and couldn’t find any reference to it, except a clothing company. Is the ‘tee’ referring to ‘settee’?
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Mon Feb 14, 2022 9:07 pm

Thank you Phil and Tristan . . .
This felt like a risky piece, especially the last line - so I'm delighted with your enthusiastic response.
Tristan, spot on with the interp. I also wanted the switch to 'We' to imply the 'burning daffodils' might be us, i.e. the N could just be looking through photos of friends, perhaps after a night of partying.
The title is a bit of a stretch - the poem being such an iconic/corny parody, I was imagining it already printed on a Tee shirt.

Best, Jules
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