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Audio Files

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:14 pm
by Danté
Hi Nicola

I noticed the audio feature is still attracting some mild debate. I asked you about it a while ago, to which you replied in a very helpful manner. You might be thinking I'm a pain as I have not submitted any files in respect of that enquiry thus far. I noticed that it is possible to attach audio files to the regular threads and I did actually post one successfully with no complaint from admin or mods. Is it ok for this practice to be explored by the general population of the place? Or would it be too much hassle in moderating in case someone posts innapropriate material? Or possibly just be too much stuff being uploaded to the site as the files can be 1-2 mb in size depending on reading time. The thing is, the section you already have is a little intimidating to me and could be to others, as it contains work that is held in high esteem. I personally don't function artistically when having to be aware of meeting other people's criteria and I don't really do set pieces unless they are for fun. I think that hearing people reading poetry that was written freely and recorded for the simple joy of having others hear how the author would like it read could be insightful when critiquing punctuation ect. It could be fun with no pressure, to be treated in the same manner as the textual post or as an extension of it.

I would be very interested to know your thoughts on this matter.

Kind regards


Re: Audio Files

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:56 pm
by k-j
I don't think this is a bad idea at all. I wouldn't mind hearing a given poem as well as reading it, just for fun really. I guess the feasibility depends on what sort of bandwidth it takes up, which depends on how many people opt to record their work and how many listens each recording then attracts. Could be worth experimenting with.

Re: Audio Files

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:08 am
by Nicola
I agree with K-j. It would be great to hear more people but as always it could be open to abuse. We would have to police it properly. Bandwidth I think will be ok as we have a fair degree of spare capacity at the moment.

I will have to alter the permissions because at the moment audio files can only be posted in the music section.

Re: Audio Files

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:41 pm
by Danté
Thanks Nicola and K-j

Yes, I appreciate the possibility of abuse, but bearing in mind people post all kinds of other links to video and the such-like and also have to sign up, I am hoping there would be no additional temptation to post abusive material than there is now. I did post an audio file at beginners about a month ago with no difficulty so I am assuming that the permissions aspect is not water tight. I do realise you might need to make some alterations in that respect, and considering the amount of time I am about the place, I would be more than happy to notify a moderator if I noticed anything that is not appropriate. Personally I think this facility would simply be another feather in the cap of an already outstanding forum.

many thanks


Re: Audio Files

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:29 pm
by Nicola
I just checked and have already allowed mp3 files to be uploaded on Exp, Beginners and Post-a-Lyric. I can't remember doing that but never mind! ANyway, you can upload up to 5MB.